What parts of the maps were Ptolemys and what parts were new additions? In 1513 an edition of the Geographia, planned and initiated by Martin Waldseemüller and Matthias Ringmann but completed by Jacobus Eszler and Georgius Ubelin, was published in Strassburg. The printer, Johannes Schott, had been a classmate of Waldseemüller at Freiburg University.
The edition is distinguished for its method of presenting ancient and modern geography, by keeping the Ptolemaic maps separate from modern maps. In earlier editions, editors incorporated new information into the Ptolemaic maps, but did not specify which part was Ptolemys and which added. Scholars raised questions about this practice.
In this edition the 27 Ptolemaic maps are in the first part of the book, just as they were depicted in the first printed editions. The world map is on the simple conic projection; Scotland has a big protuberance; Italys heel is drooping.
The second part of this 1513 edition, which is titled "Supplementum," contains the modern maps and incorporates modern geographical knowledge. One of these maps is of special importance: the world map, which is a map on a projection like that of a nautical chart. This map has been called the "Admirals Map," in the belief that information for it may have come from Christopher Columbus.
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[The "Admiral's Map" from Ptolemy, Geographia. Strassburg: J.Schott,
Click on image for an enlarged version in a separate window.]
The 1513 edition is in the James Ford Bell Library, but the binding makes it difficult to photograph.
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